Dawn Navasie

Water Maidens

4 3/4" H x 10 1/2" D

This beautiful Hopi Pottery was made by Dawn Navasie. Dawn is the niece to Frog Woman, daughter of the late Eunice "Fawn" Navasie, and sister to Fawn Navasie and Dolly Joe.

The Navasie family is composed of accomplished potters and skilled artisans. Dawn has secured her place among some of the great ones, already.

As an accomplished potter, Dawn has shown at several major venues throughout the Southwest. She has been featured at shows in Santa Fe, NM., the Heard Museum, and others. She has taken several awards, including Best of Division, "Hopi Show," Museum of Northern Arizona.

Dawn has appeared in several magazines and publications dealing primarily with Native American are and Hopi Pottery, in particularly. These include Hopi-Tewa Potters by Gregory Schaaf, p. 118; Fourteen Families in Pueblo Pottery by Rick Dillingham, pp. 60-66; and Arizona Highways, 1996.

This particular piece is a stylized water vessel, and the traditional designs make it significant. The maiden designs is a stylized Sikyatki form, and appear in a series of four - representing the four seasons, the four directions, the four ears of corn, and so on.

It has a beautiful and balanced shape, with an exceptionally executed neck. This is one of the finest pieces we've seen by Dawn.

As a traditional piece of pottery, this charming piece illustrates all of the fine qualities of high polish and natural firing characteristics.

Gallery Price: $1,875.00


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